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(1 edit)

Good Game :)

thanks so much for playing! :)

That was pretty cool, man. I decided to keep him as a pet. I hope you don't mind, haha


Hey man, thanks again  for playing! Great to have you support me on here. More coming real soon : )

Keep up the amazing work man, I enjoyed the animations which are rare to find in these indie horrror games!

Thanks so much for the kind words. Make sure to follow me for more games coming soon :)

the jumpscare got me. but left like...what?

Thanks for playing dude, appreciate it :)

Different kind of game! loved it!

Dude! Thanks so much for playing & for the video. Really enjoyed it. Left you some stuff on the YT video including a sub:)

El susto del final es un poco pobre y el voice acting medio raro pero dentro de todo me gusto, quizas con un poco mas de trabajo seria mejor. Buen trabajo de todas formas


Gracias por al menos echarle un vistazo al juego. Esto se hizo en 5 días y fue un prototipo y una idea experimental. Estoy de acuerdo en que la cosa al final podría haber usado un poco más de miedo, pero los sustos de salto tradicionales se usan en exceso en estos días. Me encantó el video, gracias de nuevo por jugar :)

Si, imagine que era un proyecto de pocos días por la duración del juego pero me gusto mucho el modelo del tipo en la caja. Estaré pendiente de un futuro juego, éxitos ! 


gracias de nuevo! más muy pronto

Was a great game! really enjoyed the oddness of it!

Thanks so much man. Loved the video. Left you a comment, like & a sub!

Good game. I love it

Thank you for playing!

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Hey Aaron, thanks for making this game & for letting me voice a character (Ms. Wifey) with MrKravin, it´s really an honor, best experience ever! I did a gameplay of this game & had a lot of fun playing & voicing it. The creepy box monster was NOT a joke, it hurts😢.

Looking forward to more of your games for sure! 


Thanks Anii, you were great & will deffo be using your voice again :)

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it

I totally forgot to paste my play through here, smh. Man... It was a good time! You keep getting better and better! And I even have a new wifey because of you! lol

eyyyyyy so glad you liked it man & thanks for being a supporter as always!

Bro of course!!!!!


congrats on a great game Aaron!


AWESOME STUFF! Left you a comment & a sub :) thanks so much for playing

(2 edits)

Really fun experience! Loved it! thank you for sharing!I had a couple suggestions and critiques at the end if you wanted to hear my thoughts! thank you for sharing your art! 

Thank you so much. I am always open to criticism. Thank you for playing :) 

Once you get to know the isn't so bad. A wonderful and strange game!

Really enjoyed the video. Thanks so much for playing :)

I gave it a go! haha this was soooo much fun! Good game! You need to make a part 2 !! 

my gameplay: 

Thanks so much for checking out my game. Left you some stuff on YT. Much appreciated friend


Thank you for playing! I have left you a comment & a sub on YT.

I liked the comedic timing and can't wait for your other projects. 


thank you so much :) 

This was a really fun game I enjoyed playing- it was pretty unpredictable which I don't see much in horror games anymore. Great work!!

thank you so much for the kind words :) left you a comment & a sub 

Hi there! I wanted to say I loved the experience and thought the game was super strange and super fun all at the same time. Sorry in advance for all the crude jokes but thank you for all the work put into this and I also enjoy matt reeves productions so it was cool to see that too! :D 


thank you so much for playing! I really appreciate it :) dropped by your youtube & dropped you a comment & some goodies :)

Aww thank you so much for that I really appreciate it too and if you ever have anymore games lemme know I'd be happy to play them :D 


Will do :)


I recommend to check the video out after playing the game to avoid spoilers.

So this game is quirky, and that's a positive for me. I like the setup of the story and the characters involved. As an experience I would highly recommend this as it's short and an easy get.

I feel like the game needs an objective bar as sometimes I didn't know what to do, I would wander around and didn't know if it was the right step and things would happen and I would miss it.


I laughed so hard!!!! The game is short I wish it was longer with more quirkiness. Please make a sequel.



you got it ;) thanks so much for playing!

There was so much more to this game than I expected, and that's amazing. There was the decent voice acting, nice graphics, nice design work for the home and monster, and story-wise it was pretty humorous as well. Although it was kind of short, it was one heck of an experience! Definitely would not mind seeing more to the box creature in the future, heck maybe even an origin story lol. Sad to see no Roddy Ricch, but glad to see a dope freaking game :) 5/5 from me.

thank you so much! That’s so kind of you! Left you a comment and a sub :)

Ok, I have played it now: Wow, the Graphics and the Sound are quite good; I sometimes had little problems how it would go further, well, I am a bit inpatient...;) so I viewed a Video to know how...;) nice story, there may be open questions about the background of the beast, maybe this could be continued, but with a dead wife....

ok, 911 does not work, so what should one do?

So it is absurd to mean that You have a bad meaning about this guy said...

So it is scary and strange. So it is what a horror game should be. :)

Thank you so much! I will deffo keep thinking on how this can be expanded :)

Great game picture quality reminded me of the evil within to start with games are never made to satisfy or have happy endings some games are left with cliff hangers some end with tradegy great job pal love the work.

Thanks man !


This was great! Reminds me a lot of a horror short called "The Other Side Of The Box." I love that this concept was put into a game format, and it works very well! Maybe a little light polish can be done here and there, but overall, this was a very enjoyable experience! I'm never disappointed with your work! 

Thanks Adrionic! I am really pleased you enjoyed it as I love your videos! Thanks again! Left you a comment on YT as well. 

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm a little bummed that I can't find a link or a mention of "The other side of the box", the short movie by Caleb J. Phillips, here. It's basically the exact story of the horror short film as game. It's still a solid game, but where the horror short makes an excellent case of explaining why he leaves the box with his wifey at home and goes to find help you missed that crucial story part in the game.
It makes no sense. He picks up a random box at his porch, somehow finds out he needs to look at it and then... leaves. Gets back home and wifey is dead ... why?
When the player goes to grab the mobile phone, the wife keeps staring at the box ingame and the dude in the box moves anyways, so why would he leave her? I mean, I know why, but not because I was told the reason in the game or given a hint. Or I missed it, that's also possible.

I've seen the short film, but I would not understand that if I hadn't. The idea of making "don't look away" into a game is great, it worked perfectly in "The Red Fridge" game where you were not supposed to look away, the constant threat of "If I look away I'm dead" was there. As soon as the player started to look away, an audible and visible threat continued to grow and finally killed you.
If you expand on the threat a little more so the player really has to look at the box so the dude doesn't come out and kill the player before he can leave the house, it might make the game a little more tense. There is a neat game mechanic in there.

Special Kudos for all the shoutouts to other Indie Devs and the voice actors, that is really great. I love this sense of community in the indie scene. <3

Keep it up!
(... and don't forget to complete the credits :3 )

I plan on checking out the short film later tonight. someone has pointed it out to me but from my understanding on what they have told me there are only basic similarities as you pointed out, leaving the wife is different? 

Anyway, Thanks again for the kind words at the end there & glad you played it. This game was only made in 5 days whilst I work on bigger projects with more mechanics & a deeper story. I wish I had all the time in the world to make everything air tight, but sadly I don't. 
Once I have watched it I will gladly follow up with you if you like?


Deleted post


Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Honestly I am so shocked to see the dev claim he hasn’t seen Other Side of the Box. I thought it was his inspo for sure. 


Mr Kravin plays The Box. 


I liked it. It's short but concise, is bizarre while being somewhat grounded, and I can't believe I didn't notice the main characters voice until like halfway through. Good job dude.

thanks flamez! Left you a comment on YT. Appreciate the playthrough :)


A silly and fun little game that I definitely enjoyed. I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously; it's just meant to be fun and it definitely accomplishes that. It made me giggle the entire time so you can definitely tell I was having fun. Keep honing your craft and keep making games!

you are the best! Thank you so much for the video & the comments. It is great to have fun whatever your preference is weather it makes you laugh or scared. Thanks again for playing. Left you a comment on YT & dropped a sub 


Well, if somone is pissed about a creepy story he maybe should avoid playing psychological horror games....

or do all the games where you just shoot zombies make any better sense than this one here?

Does any story make sense that contents ghosts, suicide, mental illness, violence and so on?

Sure, also this topic here is not funny anywhere, but the others are neither.

Thanks man :)


Ohhhhh this was fun! - 

thanks so much for playing! Left you a comment on YT & dropped you a sub. Thanks for the support

Ahh amazing thanks


very confusing story line but overall pretty fun i understand the plot of the game and so on il give it a 8/10

thank you so much! Appreciate the feedback & the video. Left you a comment and a like & a sub :)



You must not think very well of women if you write a fucked up story like this. I mean would you leave your girlfriend alone in the house with some creepy box creature? I know I sure as hell would not. If I was a Patreon supporter I would not be after this. and if I had ever her of your channel on youtube I would never  watched a video by you again.


this is just a game bro


thanks for the back up dude. Some people are just overly sensitive these days. You do need to separate the game from the artist though. It’s just a story. Nothing more :)

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

wow. I’m sorry you feel this way. 

Just to clarify, the world is not all sunshine & rainbows. It’s a story. It’s a small game & nothing more. Would you have complained of the guy was left alone? Probably not. Also, I think very highly of women & this game doesn’t portray any hate towards women. As I said, it’s a story.

I am married. I have children. You need to be able to separate the art/game/creation from the artist. As I said above, it’s just a game. I’m grateful that you tried it & your opinion is valid. I appreciate your time leaving me a comment but I stand by my decision to make games the way I want to. 

Films do this all the time & I think some perspective is needed. If you would like to look at any of my other games on here I’m sure you will see this isn’t a trend. 

Deleted 3 years ago

One of the staples of horror is characters making stupid decisions and dying for it. This is nothing new. If you were familiar with the horror genre, you would either realize this, or be the angriest person in the world. Not to mention, this game was made in 5 days. Your extremely harsh criticism is totally unnecessary, and a waste of your time.


... and others' time too....

Does a film maker create a film about Hannibal Lector because he is a fan of cannibalism?

Is the developer of games about WWII a Nazi or a fan of war or of bloody things, or sadist?

There can always be argued about whether a story is good or not, but hiere someone seems not to have unterstood what makes a horror story...


I have not played yet, by connection is a bit slow at time, but then I will report a bit....would be the first time, I have not reviewd games before. I think I am not the best to this because I have not depeloved anything myself until now.

Deleted 3 years ago

You are reading way to much into this.

Let me grab you some testimonials 


You must not play many horror games if you think ANY main character is gonna make rational, real world decisions lol. You gonna criticize Capcom for making Ethan Winters literally lie down and watch his wife get shot up full of holes and his baby stolen and brought to a vampire village? This is what separates games from the real world. ESPECIALLY horror games. 

Deleted 3 years ago

If you don't think charging head first into certain doom is a dumb decision, I don't know what to tell you. Almost every horror protagonist is guilty of doing this. Otherwise, the games/movies would be over as soon as you start them. The ONLY relatable thing they could do is say "NOPE fuck this I'm out," but where is the fun in that? Play Man Of Medan and tell me all those characters are flawless, relatable human beings who always make good decisions and don't do stupid things that cause harm to others. That is one of THOUSANDS of horror games with flawed protagonists that make outlandish decisions that would never take place in reality. You're looking WAY too deep into a 10 minute indie horror game and taking one aspect of it to heart for no good reason, and applying a fictional character's stupid move to a real world scenario that could never happen. And just because you don't like the game doesn't absolve you of criticism when you start hurling personal insults at the developer. There are a lot of games on this website that present FAR WORSE situations than this one, so you're in for a rude awakening if you decide to play more.

People put alot of effort to create these games for us all to enjoy. I personally enjoyed this game alot. If you do not enjoy something then that's okay, you're free to express that of course. That's the beauty of art. It's subjective. The dev even said that himself, but what you're doing here is just being outright rude. Please be more considerate when offering feedback here. It goes a long way. Your feedback is hugely valuable to developers of these games if expressed in the right way.


Also you should be careful what you write to people. You don't know how it'll effect them, especially since the dev is a husband and father. It was clearly not an intentional story choice to dig at women... To wrongfully accuse someone of such a thing simply because you didn't like a story choice is not cool. 




I'm a woman and I played the game and it never once occurred to me that the dev hates women. You are reading way too much into a game that is supposed to be a fun and silly little experience. Drawing conclusions about the dev like that based off of this game is ridiculous.

Horror protagonists are generally dumb and tend to make poor decisions. This is a staple of the horror genre; I even reference this during my playthrough. As far as horror games go, this one is VERY tame. I would advise not playing other horror games if something like this upsets you.

In the future, do not attack devs just because you dislike a game, please. They make the game; they are NOT the character(s) in the game. It is a story that is meant to entertain. Don't accuse the dev of being a bad father/husband just because of a silly game. Words cannot express just how ridiculous that notion is.


Thank you so much! I adore my wife & kids & this is just someone who is really out of touch with how games work. 

I appreciate you playing & taking the time to send this really thought out message :)

Deleted 3 years ago

It is completely absurd, what the guy said

Someone who cannot unterstand Horror should not play such games, that is it.

After playing I cannot find anything that could improve those comments

So you are right


:) thanks everyone

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

If you knew the movie you'd know why. It's actually a short film, search youtube for "The other side of the box", you'll know which one when you see the thumbnail. I was angry, too, that he left his wife with the box, but it makes kinda sense in the film.
Never explained in the game, tho.

Edit: Also, calm down. All your interpretations of the dev's character and life choices based on a small game he published on itch are ... I don't find the words.
Speaking as a women here, please use this energy and defend women's rights where it matters and not by capslocking the comment section of an indie game. We have much more problems than storylines like that - like the games on Steam where the whole game is to "beat up hookers until you get your money", please go there and unleash your fury on those devs. :) I'm totally rooting for you!

(Plus; thinking about it - I'd have asked my husband to get help, too, because I'm not even taken seriously when I'm explaining the stuff I have a friggin bachelor's degree on. Trust me, guy-person would have had much higher chances of anyone believing him. Just on a side note. :)  )


Never seen it but it's on my list :) thanks for sharing. Please remember these are just games.


love the edit to this. Thank you again for defending the game for what it’s meant to be. A story, nothing else. I appreciate the support :)

he will always be a better parent than most and to be so petty over a video game just means you need to grow up and either get a job or a girlfriend or boyfriend whatever floats your boat to relive some of your frustration


this game is awesome, i had fun a lot, really good creator

Thanks so much for playing. The game was a little experimental for me & I made this in around 5 days. I’ve left you a comment on the video & dropped you a sub :) thanks again for playing 


Very nice

Thanks very much for playing. Left you a comment & a sub on YouTube. 

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thank you for playing! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Really Really Good...I Am Amazed.Good Graphics Good Voice Acting. No Issues Now All Fixed.

Great Job. :)

Thank you so much for playing! Left you a comment on YT & dropped you a sub :)


So unsettling and unique, very well done! 👏👏👏


Thank you!


Hey! I'm trying to get this to run, but whenever I try to open the game, nothing happens. I just get a little hourglass icon over my cursor for a few seconds then it goes away and the game doesn't pop up. Any ideas?


Same Poblem...Just Nothing happens


Sorry buddy. All fixed now :)


Hey Adrionic, sorry about the issue. I uploaded the UProject File & not the actual game. This has now been fixed & you can retry now. This will work :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome! I'll play this tonight and upload a vid tomorrow! Thanks!!

Oh awesome! Thank you so much!

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