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Congrats guys!

(1 edit) (+1)

Phenomenal storytelling, bizarre atmosphere in all 3 and superb execution! 

First of all, I have to thank Aaron for providing me with the key. You are one of the most generous human beings and I will respect you for that till my last breath on earth. Thank you ❤

The games blew my mind. In terms of consistency, none of them had any issues. The stories were exciting and nerve wrecking, especially Aaron's game, as the lady with the "tea" gave me cold sweat, I could not look at her or even towards her direction. Bravo all of you! 

The third game surprised me a lot and had a very minimalistic look. It reminded me of old console games, with a little mini map. Such a vibe. With the second game, the color pallets were beautiful. 

In the end, I was very satisfied with the result. Best of luck with the future developments and collaborations. Cheers to you mates  🍷

Edit: FYI, I never drink tea, but you can poison me with beer lol. 


thank you so much Niven for the amazing feedback & support. I really do appreciate it & i’m sure the Darnell & Adriano do also.