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Sorry... I played the game.

sorry. I watched your video

Holy hell, this game scared the livings out of me! At first didn't think it was scary.. HAHA! I was really wrong. Thanks for the midnight scare!




Thanks so mucn for playing & gladbit managed to scare you


Me pegou de surpresa por durar pouco, mas deu um cagaço kkkkkk 


(3 edits)

(Start at 20:46) I went against all odds and played this game. I am but a remnant of a soul now. I have yet to move on. I must hear... The sound of that one more time...  Aughhhhhhhhh!!!! Anyways GG it was short but gave me the biggest reaction out of all the three games I had played.

Thanks dude. Appreciate ya!

no problem

To the developer,



  Your Uncle DJ


thanks DJ!

No sir, Thank you

You got me. I screamed like a child. Good job!

hahaha nice! Thanks so much for playing!

are you turkish?

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

No. Are you?


sorry i was just wondering

the game is superTopluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi

Without giving spoilers, I cannot believe I was scared by what I was scared. Loved it.


Haha thank you

Soo.... Dont play this game right? Well I ignored all warning signs and PLAYED THIS GAME!

1st game!

thank you for playing sir

Solid game for only being made in 30 minutes! Great for getting a good jumpscare or laugh for those who have already played.

The sole intention of this game & you got it. Thanks for playing it!


The title is to be taken literally.
It could have been a decent game with more development time and actual tension building.
Right now it looks more like a test project or a turbojam concept with a clickbait title.

Thanks! You nailed it. This game was a meme & wasnt supposed to be taken seriously, nor was that the goal. Thank you for your input, but i guess you got it wrong this time.

I liked this game , gave me a great laugh which I really needed 😂😁

Glad I could help you bud. Thanks so much for playing

Yes just yes




Absolutely stellar


thank you sir!


This was made in 30 minutes?!?! Wow, very impressive indeed! Only negative from this great little game is that it's too short, imagine it being twice as long! I enjoyed it and here is my video!


Thanks so much! You know if you play it twice, you get it twice as long. Lol. 

seriously though, more games coming soon!


This games end made me rethink my entire life

Lol. Join me. Become a gane dev



I won't. I hope you didn't play!

neat concept, very fun👍 

Thank you! Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty neat concept! Would definitely play a sequel to this! Great job!


Thank you so much.

No problemo, would love to see more like this!



This was by far the scariest game I have ever played in my life. I had just signed up for therapy due to how traumatizing this really was for me. PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK! 

Send me the bill for therapy. I will pay it


im actually scared to try 😂

I dare you!

Damn That Jumpscare was too funny lol. I hope there are more horror games that scares you and makes you laugh Keep it up God Bless and Jesus Loves you!!!!

Thank you so much! God bless you also.

Featured in my 3 terrifying games vid! great game

Thank you so much!

you're very welcome! looking forward to more games you make and I will play it on my channel 


(1 edit)

First game in the video. I should have listened to the title, fun little game!

check out my video.

I'll take it as a compliment!

Yeah i read it back and it didnt come across as id intended so ive edited it 🙂 good job.

thanks buddy!

Credits and much love to you, developer! Thank you for the AWESOME game. I can't wait for the next one. I get to play this in the Philippines!

Greetings! Thanks for playing my game!

the 1st game....just wow...i did laugh tho so gg

Thank you bro. It did it's job!

I QUIT being a TEACHER | 3 Scary Games 

I am so glad I could help you achieve your life goals. Thanks for playing!

I'm a REBEL! Absolutely played the game, interesting little experience. For 30 minutes work it is well done, got a giggle. Thanks Dev!
First game in video

Appreciate you, you little rebel you XD

The game said to not play this game. But I played it anyways. XD

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

Thank you so much. I'll check it out!

Nice short little horror game.


Thanks Rob!

Short and right to the point lol  

I dont waste time. Thanks for playing.

you’re welcome. Really enjoyed it.   

: )

I just 7-page-muda'ed the warnings and now i regret it

sending help. Be safe bro

Please do. GER is failing to return the mafia coming for me because I din't pay my protection from the monsters fee to zero.

Let me see what i can do

Thank you. THEy ArE COMing For YOu No escAPE FRoM The KinG OF DARkneSS


I played the game but there was a bug or something and it wouldn't work after I opened the door. 

Here's my gameplay of it (starts at 00:22)

Interesting. There isn't a way to open that door so I think maybe you just stood there in darkness instead of turning. None of the doors can be opened. Thanks for trying though 

This game was very entertaining, also pretty funny ending. I had a good time playing, pretty good for a game made in such a short amount of time! 10/10 (second game on the video)

Thank you so much for playing!

The jumpscare got me so good

Ahhhh great stuff!!!

I played this game after receiving all the warnings not to. suck it. 9/10 

NO U! Lol. Thanks so much for taking the time to play it!

I enjoyed it, sadly the ending didn't get me, that being said the whispers in my ear were definitely unnerving


Thanks nate! Appreciate it.

Why- Why shouldn't I play?

I mean you can. But consider the title as a liability agreement.

I believe you're right. I won't play it...yet.

you safe bro!



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