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Is anyone else having this same issue with downloading the game using the app? I get this message every single time. Haven't had any issues with any other games I've downloaded. 
Any suggestions or advice would be greatful (does it work without the app and just from the desktop?)

Hi Base Line Driller. This is the first that I have seen this issue. I have had no one report this. Have you tried doing this outside of the app? Could you try for me and let me know please? Thank you.


Ok yep, so it seems to be working when I play it just straight from the zipped folder on the desktop, it just doesn't seem to want to install in the app. So maybe something to report to and get them to take a look at? :)

ok, that’s good. I’m glad it’s working through the normal means for you. 

If you have time, could I ask that you try one of my free games from the app please? I have tried it and seems to be fine so I’m wondering if it is something your end. I’ll report to itchio now though and see what they say. Thanks again for being supportive.


Hey mate, so yep, I tried The Box and same issue; won't let me install in the app but works fine out of the app. I don't think your games like me very much, lol.


Hey bud, 

thanks for checking. I will let itchio know as I really don't know what could be causing that issue. Thanks for the help with this :)

This game made my led hard..

This video rocks! Just like you! Thanks so much for playing. Left you a comment and a sub and a like on YouTube. 

Much appreciated!  🤘

Great game man!!! It is very enjoyable. Throw some extra guns in there and it would totally elevate the game. The only real issue I have is with the jumping but I  think some other people said the same too. Jumping is just weirdly floaty for the platforming. Still dope! Worth the buy

Thanks so much for checking out the game. Really appreciate it man.

bro ofc! you know I got you!




Loved the game but he needs practice on platforming :D

l manually  install the game . lt  works now. lt looks amazingly good.  Thanks  mate this game.

You are welcome! Glad you got it sorted :)

Hello my bullet  install but  l cant play it.  There is something wrong with  a installer it wont start the game.

hey man, played your new game & really liked it. The gore was great and the color pallet was great. I’d love to see some new weapons in the update.


This is the game none of us knew we needed until it was here! Love this game!! Aaron, you did an amazing job as always. Not sure which is better, this or Mah Waffle 🤣

Dude! Such a great video. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. Thank you so much as well for the kind words. Much appreciated.

Always happy to help with one of your projects, man! It's always a pleasure getting to work with you!

Hey Aaron, thanks so much for this intense FPS game! You had me all over the place with the zombos and demons. Left some feedback for the game in my gameplay and sadly an unexpected ending, overall nice combination of elements for this one, had me pumped up with the "pew pews" for sure, the music was banging ❤️!  


Eyyyy thanks so much for being the first person to check this out for me. Really appreciate it. I left you a comment on the video and I’ll be in touch with more stuff soon. 



Thanks for the energy breh!

